Wednesday 5 July 2017

Basics of share trading

A lot  of  people  tend  to think that  they  can only enter the   share  market only  if   they  are  in  a position to  cough out two thousand  of US dollars. However,  the   truth is  that one  can  enter  the   share  market  with  little dollars exclusive of  few  minor  brokerage  fees. It is  important  that one  examines  themselves  before  they  get to enter into  the  share market. They should have the facts and the rules about share trading at their fingertips. 

Of  great  significance is  the  need for  new  traders  to  have  attainable   targets  once  they  enter into  share trading. These  newbies  should  at first  before  starting to  trade  in shares be  in a position to  wisely  determine   the  amount  of  money they  are going  to  use as their initial trading  capital.

When it comes to   the trading of stocks, time is crucial. It is  advisable  that a new  share   trader  be  in a position to  manage the   amount  of  time  spent in the  share  market per day. The need to seek professional assistance from a certified accountant might arise. This  is due  to the  Fact  that the  government  might see your  share  trading activities as a  business venture. Mostly in the event that the  trading activities get to  reach a certain point  where  they conform to  certain  categories of  businesses in the  eyes of  the  taxation department. The   liquidity of any stock in the share market is very important. This is in the sense that it enables stock traders to enter and exits various trades easily at their own pleasure.

The   financial and  share  trading future  of  any  stock  trader  lies in the   hand  of  the  trader  alone. The trader is the  only person who  can   determine  how  much  risk  to  take  in a given  trade and the  amount of  loses  to  incur in a given trade. Contrary to popular belief, the share market does not in any way determine how much   a trader gets to lose. It is only  the trader who  makes that choice of  how much  they are  to  lose through  the  presetting  of  their  various stop loss. Of all the  various  formulas   and theorems used  by  traders in the  share  market, the  most popular  one is  without a doubt the  two  percent rule.



  2. Agree with you but I personally feel that share trading has less returns compared with crypto trading, nowdays there are many crypto bot which helps in analyzing the trends.
